Do you know about Interviews With Monster Girls "Interviews with Monster Girls" is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Petos, which was later adapted into an anime television series. The story is set in a world where mythical creatures, known as "demi-humans" or "demis," coexist with humans. These demis include vampires, succubi, snow women, and dullahans. The series revolves around a biology teacher named Tetsuo Takahashi, who is fascinated by demis and wants to learn more about them. He begins conducting interviews with demi-humans at his school, hoping to understand their unique experiences and challenges. Throughout the series, Tetsuo interviews various demi-humans, including Hikari Takanashi, a vampire; Kyouko Machi, a dullahan; Yuki Kusakabe, a snow woman; and Sakie Satou, a succubus. As the interviews progress, Tetsuo develops relationships with these demis and helps them navigate their everyday lives while also exploring the themes of acce...